i would imagine a lot of us have been living in a fog of uncertainty these past couple of years. can you believe it's been close to two years since the beginning of the pandemic for those of us living here in the usa?
it was a very foggy morning when i made this image. i could barely see the other side of the pond. in fact, making this image was difficult as i was having issues finding this heron in my camera's viewfinder.
isn't that what fog can do in our lives? sometimes living in the fog just seems like one day blending into the next. we struggle to see the journey, never mind the end. perhaps it's even a struggle to see our next step. we keep looking for that someone, that some thing that will elevate us above the fog into clear surroundings. elevate us from aimlessness to purposefulness. elevate us from only seeing the hurts to also seeing the blessings.
today, i was reminded that while in the fog, we can still see and experience blessings. it's not easy. it must be intentional. but it's there if we look for it. we need to look for it because we have no idea when the fog will dissipate. for me personally, it's someone. that someone is my strength when i'm going through fog in my life. what about you? who or what is going to help keep you moving forward when the fog comes?
from the depths of the fog that morning, this heron emerged into view. it was a little tough to see as it was white on grayish white. but it was there. i was blessed with a glimpse of this even if only for a short while. i was reminded there are blessings in the fog.

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thanks for your continued support. i'll be seeing you next time with more "images from a quiet world"!
I really like this photo. Very mysterious. I too look for that someone in the fog. He is the only one who is able to guide me through. No. Matter. What. Jesus.